Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Chapt.8 Social Stratification. Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life

Answers to the questions at the end of the article "When Class Gets Personal: Picking (with) Your Friends.

1. Why do you think Max felt that two college teachers would not enjoy spending time with him?
Most people in our society base their friendship around the level of education they've received. We tend to associate with those who have a similar range of vocabulary.

2. How does his reaction suggest that people take social position personally?
We tend to think that people with a higher education, especially those people whose professions exhibit such disparity, are better than we are. That we would have nothing in common. Not only in our incomes but our interest.

3. Can you think of a similar experience you have had with someone of a different social position?
No. Actually I can't.

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