Friday, August 26, 2011

Chapt. 6 Sexuality and Society: On Teen Pregancy

On Teen Pregnancy

I think the most important issue in this chapter was teen pregnancy. the text states that there are about 750.00 teen pregnancies per year in the U.S. As the book states most teens do not have the maturity to take care of themselves let alone raise a child (many adults either, but that is another issue). Most will not complete high school. Forget about college. They usually end up living in poverty. Or worse selling drugs or become strippers to raise their child which may lead to jail or prostitution.

Efforts could be made to reduce and stem the growth of teen pregnancy be providing birth control counseling at middle and birth control at high school. For those teen unfortunate to become pregnant during their high school years child care should be provided by the schools so that the teens (both mother and father) can continue their education.

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