Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chapt. 9 Global Stratification

Comments on "Bottom of the Barrel", a Newsweek article on pp.260-261.

Human labor trafficking not only exist in 2nd and 3rd world countries, it also happens here. Another story based in Kansas City, Mo. In 2008 it was found that a local Ice Cream Truck Vending company was importing young workers from the former Soviet Union with a promise of high wages and educational opportunities. When the arrived their passports were confiscated, and they were put to work driving Ice Cream Trucks that circle neighborhoods to sell Ice Cream bars. They were forced to live in the warehouse and sleep on cots. They were lock in every evening and their pay was withheld for "room and board". Their employers were from other former Soviet countries. one of those "..stans". Finally the ring was broken up. Some of the employers escaped, other arrested. I don't know what happened to the "students". Yes, even in the heartland of America it happens.

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