Monday, August 22, 2011

Chapt. 4, Seeing Sociology in the News - "Putting Your Best Cyberface Foward"

Chapter 4 - Social Interaction in Everyday Life - impression management. I am currently involved in using impression management through my Facebook Page Chef Clarence Shields. It is my way of networking with the culinary world to help me with my culinary education and hopefully new career. In it you will find contact of over 2000 culinary professionals from every segment of the profession. Students, Executive Chefs, Food Writers, Food Stylist, Sommeliars, Etc. There are also about 30 or so family and friend as contacts too. Am I engaged in "impression management". Definitely YES. I do not stray from the truth. I am a Chef having been a Pitmaster at a Famous BBQ restaurant in Kansas City, MO. and am graduate of a culinary school in Kansas, City also. I use real photos of my present self. My resume is post on there with my real address and phone number. To advance in today work world (especially when starting a new career at my age) one must use all the tools available. Cyberspace via Facebook, Linked In, YouTube (just ask Justin Beiber), etc. is a great asset that can be used to accomplish ones goals. Visit me at Chef Clarence Shields on Facebook.

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