Friday, September 16, 2011

Chapter 15 Population, Ubanization and Environment

Answers to the questions in the Controversy & Debate section. "Apocalypse: Will people Overwhelm the Planet"?

1. Do you think Earth can support 8 or 10 billion people?

Yes. There is more than enough ariable land to that is uninhabited or under inhabited that can accommodate that many people. It has been estimated that if everyone in the world would move to the state of Texas, there would be enough room for every man, woman and child to have the living space for a 1500 sq. ft home (about the size of a one bdrm apt.). Obviously people would not crowd into such a contiguous space but spread out over ariable land around the world.

2. Ninety-six % of current population growth is in poor countries. What does this mean for the future of rich nations?

Rich nations would have to stop raping the poorer nations of their natural resources and encourage those nations to use the resources for the development of their own countries.

For the the future of poor ones?

With the resources being used to develop their own societies (baring any dictatorship and government corruption) they would be able to build the infrastructures needed for their growth.

3. What should people in rich countries do to ensure the future of children everywhere?

Increase the production of the various medicine and vaccines that have cured most of their children of their countries of terminal diseases. Allow poor nations to build better water delivery systems,roads, transportation and power systems to heighten their infrastructure. Help train more doctors and medical personnel in poorer nations.

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