Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chapter 12 - Economics and Politics. "Denmark, Here I Come"

Answers to the question posed in the Thinking Globally article "Want Equality and Freedom? Try Denmark"

1. What evidence of less income inequality might you expect to see in Denmark if you were to visit that country? As mentioned in the article low unemployment, equality in upper level schooling, equality in health services, near equality in standards of housing and transportation.

2. Would you be willing to pay most of your income in taxes if the government provided you with benefits such as schooling and health care? Yes. I would look upon it as an essential service much as we do police, fire and military protection here in the U. S.

3. Do you think most people in the United States would like to have our society become more like Denmark? While it would seem that most people would like such services, our heavily ingrained belief that having such benefits would somehow strip us of our rights and that we would become a controlled and complacent society will keep us from moving in that direction for generation to come. Just look at how we reacted to a capitalism based universal health care proposal. I knew a female bartender who wasn't making much money that was against any form of health care assistance even though her daughter was have medical problem that she could not afford and had no one to help her in her support system. She firmly believed that any form of universal health care was leading us down the road to the dreaded "Communism" (though if asked she couldn't define the term).

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